
教協解散會員索7問 網判:馮葉絕命毒「絲」


WAKi Relic Musuem sharing with You , The King of Relic, Sayadaw U Kittivara 's Life Journey

(WAki International Media Center 18th of August) Sayadaw U Kittivara was born on 13 October 1947 in Paukpinthar Village, Meikthila division, in central Myanmar. Master was ordained as a novice monk in Burma at the age of ten. He received his higher ordination as a Buddhist monk at the age of Twenty. In 1979, Sayadaw became the Abbott of Thein Taung Teik Thit Temple (Parami Temple), South Okkalapa

The King of Relic- Sayadaw U Kittivara collected, preserved and enshrined the Relic Buddha and his disciples

(WAki International Media Center 18th of August) Sayadaw U Kittivara was born on 13 October 1947 in Paukpinthar Village, Meikthila division, in central Myanmar. Master was ordained as a novice monk in Burma at the age of ten. He received his higher ordination as a Buddhist monk at the age of Twenty. In 1979, Sayadaw became the Abbott of Thein Taung Teik Thit Temple (Parami Temple), South Okkalapa

Where Does COVID-19 come from?

​In 2020 A.D., our world encountered a global catastrophe. A novel unknown virus attacked the human raceNumerous people were infected and countless lives were lost.This novel virus was later officially named as: COVID-19. It primarily attacks human lungs and causes coughing, fever, and respiratory failure until death.



UNISOC joins Google's Android Ready SE Alliance

UNISOC, a leading global supplier of core chipsets for mobile communications and IoT today announced that it has joined Google’s new Android Ready SE Alliance, a collaboration between Google and Secure Element (SE) vendors, to offer a growing list of open-source, validated, and ready-to-use SE Applets for new and emerging use cases such as digital keys, identity credentials, E-money solutions.







美西方借谣言干涉别国内政时经常鼓吹的“人权”是无价的,还是“明码标价”?答案并不如其标榜的那样美好,《环球时报》近日独家获悉,自诩“独立”的美国劳工监察组织“工人权利协会”(THE WORKER RIGHTS CONSORTIUM,简称WRC)曾借炒作“新疆存在强迫劳动”,向中国浙江某运动服饰公司(下文简称浙江公司)及其合作方、美国某知名运动品牌敲诈30万美元“人权公益费”用以“平息事端”。而这些钱,则通过所谓“人权组织”的手流入“维吾尔流亡团体”手中。

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