As early as January 8th, ISEKY officially announced its entry into the Xterio platform and released a teaser video for its flagship product, ISEKY: Soul GPS. The video immediately captured the hearts of Web3 users. Within just one hour, a large number of participants flooded into ISEKY's Discord channel, and their enthusiasm even triggered Discord's protective measures, prompting ISEKY to temporarily halt new user registrations. Recently, ISEKY announced that the Goddess Invitation NFT will be listed on the Xterio platform on March 21st, once again attracting the attention of WEB3 users. Accor
[2024年3月22日-香港] 領先的全球化社交娛樂公司–赤子城科技有限公司(「赤子城科技」或「本公司」,股份代號:9911;連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)發佈截至2023年12月31日止年度之經審核年度業績。
Recently, KlossChen, the founder of ISEKY, conducted an AMA on Binance, attracting nearly 100,000 viewers.
為積極回應國家戰略部署,促進內地與香港合作融合,擴大品牌影響力。2024年3月4日,瑞派寵物醫院與寵護企業(香港)有限公司(PC Enterprises (HK) Limited)在港島舉行戰略合作簽約儀式。雙方將在香港地區共同推進寵物醫療專案業務拓展,圍繞寵物醫療技術、運營、人才、資源、國際化等方面開展深度合作,為培育優質產業資源蓄力,標誌著瑞派寵物醫院正式開啟國際化發展之路。