


第十三屆海峽論壇在廈門開幕 兩岸交流合作大勢不可擋


UNISOC launches module-based network slicing solution to lower barriers of vertical industries to 5G entry

UNISOC launches module-based network slicing solution, which developed with China Unicom Research Institute. The solution integrates and completes various processes that were originally conducted on the terminal side within the module itself, including URSP data analysis, PDU session establishment, TD and specific slice mapping as well as policy-based routing configuration, thereby significantly reducing terminal-side development and investment.

UNISOC Tangula V516 Passed URLLC Key Tests of IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group

Under the guidance of IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group, Tangula V516, UNISOC's first platform to support 5G R16, has successfully passed the Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) key tests in a 5G enhancement technique trial.


2021年10月22日,中國境內首批MSCI中國A50 互聯互通ETF開始發售,一經發行便受到投資者廣泛追捧,首募總規模超300億人民幣。


印度石油天然氣公司(ONGC)旗下《掌中油寶》(Oils ln Your Pocket)海外特許執行機構牌照歸屬落定 16家私募團體中標 。

Its fragrance drifts overseas, why is Fen Liquor the most competitive?

The international liquor trade is a long-standing hot topic, but it is not easy to achieve a real industry lead with a breakthrough product, the true reason is that globalization is not a one-way street, but a combination of two new trends.





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