人妻車內偷情水電工 卻雙雙一氧化碳中毒亡



Tameka Hargrave died while cheating on her husband with her car mechanic. Tameka and the mechanic were having intercourse in a closed garage while the car was running, they both passed out from the fumes and died. They were later found by her husband. pic.twitter.com/LUyucM9hqh

— VisionaryVoid (@VisionaryVoid) July 11, 2024

綜合外媒報導,一位已婚婦女哈格拉芙(Tameka Hargrave)請來水電工到家中修理東西,沒想到在東西修好之後,哈格拉芙竟然提出要用「肉償」,而水電工聽見這個提議也順勢接受了,兩人進到車庫中的車輛上面,因為當時天氣炎熱而開著冷氣,卻沒有開窗通風,最終2人都因為吸入車內大量的一氧化碳而雙雙身亡。